Wednesday, 18 April 2012

fitness pal

So after i quit my job in December I traveled to the States for five weeks, been in and out of the Philippines and visited someone in South Korea. There is but only one BIG regret that i have - i did not watch what i ate. And so some time in March i found myself looking at me in the mirror to realize that i have gotten fat. Sure, you might think i am exaggerating - after all i'm only at 52kg, but since my framework is petite i don't look big and yet i am, well, fleshy :(

And after months of procrastination i finally had the courage this week to get started! Been hitting the gym in the morning and though my body hurts so much afterwards i actually feel much better now than in the days when i wake up and do nothing (but worry about life). I suppose it's really true that a good workout is not only for the physique but for mental wellness too. The other thing i discovered is this app in iphone called fitness pal. See, i am a big snacker and i know that totally cutting off snacks is not going to work, hence a smarter way of controlling it is to quantify how much calories those snacks have and how i could pick the right ones that will not add any more fatties to my tummy. The app also serves as a "diary" for you to store what you ate and how much calories you have consumed in a day. Based on my weight loss goal, i should stick to 1200 calories a day. And so, by all means, i must stick to that.

This is going to be very useful in my travels too! Because Lord knows just how much calories are in that chicken briyani or baked brie. And usually when you travel, trying local food is a must do - or your experience is not complete. So now i can indulge, but know when to stop (ah, an extremely important lesson in life ;)

Let's see how i fare in a month! I do hope i can pursue this (among other things) because there is no way i'm gonna look like jabba the hut in the future :D

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Old Bukit Timah Railway Station

I am clearly not a person who has FOMO because if I did, I wouldn't have just walked past this unpaved and rather remote path many times...