Monday, 22 June 2015

singapore live turtle museum

i've been living in singapore for almost a decade now. you would've thought i know the tiny red dot inside and out by now. wrong! i just found out a couple of weeks ago that there is actually a live turtle museum in the chinese gardens! in fact, i found out about it when somebody posted in the couchsurfing facebook group about interesting things to do in singapore.

so off we went to the chinese garden, albeit arriving a bit later than planned because we took the wrong train going there. i've never been there and was expecting the place to be somewhat crowded perhaps. but it was actually pretty nice and quiet.

i love turtles so i was really excited about going all the way west to see what collection this museum has. and i thought it'd be a fun way to spend the weekend and see if lovro would enjoy the trip. the entrance to the museum costs $5 and we got some veggies to feed them for $2. when you enter the premise there is a garden where the giant tortoises freely roam about while the smaller turtles are swimming in a pretty crowded pond.

i wasn't so sure he wouldn't be scared of the shelled friends but we let him have a string bean to feed some of them. after seeing us and the others do it, he began to get the hang of it. of course once he enjoyed it he was giggling and blabbing and the other visitors were adoring him.

he also enjoyed looking at the special ones that are kept in glasses. these ones require extra care and diet so they are not for petting and feeding. my curious little monkey spent some time looking at them, especially the silly pig-nosed ones! 

there were baby buddha statues at the museum and lovro was seriously in awe. i took a video of him chatting with them, wonder what he was saying. probably saying hello to his comrades!

after we left the museum we just strolled around the park, with lovro playing soccer (with whatever toy he has that can roll when he kicks it) and looking at the butterflies roaming about the ixora flowers. all in all it was a great family outing and it was a nice break going a bit out of town. 

Old Bukit Timah Railway Station

I am clearly not a person who has FOMO because if I did, I wouldn't have just walked past this unpaved and rather remote path many times...